January 2nd 2025
On the Cultishness and Liberalism of Ali “Haz” Hammoud & the ACP Executive Board
Danny Shaw former Politburo of the now-defunct ACP
This is the first of a series of internal communiques that I distributed to the Executive Board and Politburo of the American Communist Party to raise the alarm about cultish and corrupt tendencies within the leadership. You will soon see how they responded.
There is indeed a lot of liberalism, and it starts at the top. Good for Christian and John for starting to call out some of the bullshit. The general culture we are establishing is one of every man for himself realpolitik. From the very top, there has been lying, manipulation, arrogance, mental illness and a severe lack of communication. We have yet to learn to work with one another. In the first year, that has to be our goal — to establish trust among ourselves that can radiate through our ranks. I distrust many of you. Many of us were in the process of calling an emergency meeting. Here are some of the reasons.
Unchecked Testosterone & Larping
I joined the ACP based on the understanding that this would be a higher synthesis of Infrared, Midwestern Marx, Konstantinos, myself and others’ leadership and experience in the class struggle and anti-imperialist struggle. So far, only one tendency has dominated and everyone else has fallen in line. This is not communist leadership. This ship will sink very quickly and many people will take great delight in seeing us fractionalized into different sects plastered on their X feeds. Sectarianism goes viral; real Marxism is suppressed.
What I see is a lot of Larping. And then we critique the chapters because they are Larping? It is a shit show here in New York. These 5 months have been disappointing. How easy to blame the terminally-online gamer kids like Spiros. The human material we are working with is of an unprecedented historical character. This is the Anxious Generation. The Fragile Generation. The Online Shit-Talking Generation. We need to go back deep into the laboratory. We need a leadership retreat to get on the same page, not one where Kyle sits Haz down above us in a throne to dictate orders to us. We need a meeting where we are treated as equals and learn from one another. I was unimpressed with our ability to communicate in Dearborn and later Chicago. Has it occurred to any of you that we have no idea what the fuck we are doing? We need real leadership. We need accountability. A chicken cannot produce a duck egg. We are fostering all types of sectarianism. We are immersed in the unproductive Culture Wars and are overemphasizing profilicity. We have a limited sense of what the proletariat of this country is. How do we balance our online engagement with real life engagement?
People around us and within our ranks are noticing our 20-year-old arrogance at all levels of the party hierarchy. Who thinks they know it all? Where is the desire to learn from Marxist experience? I see “leaders“ more concerned about views on social media and getting a paycheck than building a communist culture. Marxist leaders tap into the leadership of others and develop their talents. They don’t walk around calling everybody “fa&&ots” when they themselves are behaving like the chief insecure little bitches. Put up or shut up. Have some humility. For leaders to cash in on the success but to ignore the failures is cowardice and opportunism.
Liberalism and Fear
How many of you “leaders” are afraid to speak up?
“The chairman” shows up to Politburo meetings when he wants to. We can all wait because he “has to take a shit” or because “there are fat fa&&ots who are in his way bench pressing at the gym.” If Haz is so compelled, he can cancel or postpone any meeting. On other occasions, he swashbuckles into meetings late, issues his holy commands and disparate ideas and then says: “Ok I’m out. I don’t need to be here for anything else.” By anything else, he means the contributions of the 18 members of the Executive Board and Politburo (PB). Slava, Brigid, Noah and the rest of his acolytes do not dare question his lack of professionalism.
I thought I joined the party of Why We Need American Marxism, not a party of cowards.
Most of us PB members have actual jobs and children who depend on us. We don’t have the luxury of showing up whenever we want to. We often don’t know if the chairman is about to quit the party or die for it. And much of this plays out publicly on Kick. He cuts people off and pretends to know everything. This is not a people person. This is his little fiefdom and the yes men who surround him enable him because their eyes are greedy.
I was going to request an extended meeting of the Politburo where we can freely air our resentments and grievances without fear of reprisals. And then, when Haz senses the walls are closing in around him, he opportunistically calls for a meeting because “certain harmful tendencies lurking within the culture of the Politburo will be brought openly to the fore and criticized ruthlessly.” This surely means Haz will be beginning tomorrow night’s meeting with a self-critique. There is growing evidence that there are severe mental health issues involved here that need to be addressed immediately before we do more damage to the ACP. At tomorrow night’s meeting, if Haz and Kyle try to dominate and monopolize the time, Fuck that. We should all have a 5 minute period to say our piece (or more if it is necessary).
Enough is enough. How many comrades are already thinking about quitting? The tone of this internal communique is commensurate with the challenges before us. The burnout is already kicking in. This leadership is failing us. We need a fresh start.

The Cruelty of the “Chief Larpers”
Kyle and Haz lead with cruelty. That has to be countered. This is not the spirit of a communist.
Do they somehow think that calling everybody a “fa&&ot” will impress the masses? The masses are sensuous, they live in the real world. The masses push for materialism, not idealism. The rcp and Bob Avakian do this fake liberal thing too, cursing all the time as a way to make themselves sound tough. You may know the kids online but you don’t know the U.S. working class. They can see through the fake shit.
Why are we always so worried about what is happening online? Andrew Saturn and Johnny Socialism are the arch villains of the proletariat? You are so concerned about outside affairs, but our own house is not in order. Where is the study of the proletariat? Where are the organic connections? Get off-line and go coach local teams, go to a community board meeting etc. as Kyle said in his riveting speech in Chicago. If we cannot lead with this example, what example are we establishing? If we do not get our shit together, there will be a series of online resignation letters, confirming the critiques. If you are offended by this, wait until somebody airs it out on social media!
What percentage of our time is spent on online nonsense? This is the polarizing terrain of the class enemy. It is the crack that many of this generation cannot avoid. Let’s develop on both fronts. None of this critique takes away from any of your talents. Kyle is a good organizer. But Kyle is realpolitik. He does not have integrity. He will stab you in the back when it is convenient for him. This is about Kyle and his need to dominate everything, not about the ACP. He leads with his insecurities and inexperience. No one buys that he is a 50-year-old Teamster who knows everything. Lots of bark, some bite. I have to imagine Kyle has a better side to him. I doubt proletariat women like Slava or his partner would allow themselves to be walked over by bullies like him.
Kyle and I agreed on a key thing when we met a year ago in Carbondale and St. Louis. These terminally-online kids need to continue to ground themselves in their communities. This is one of the most positive things we have done. We have to keep pushing this. Otherwise, why would anyone respectable come anywhere near us and our arrogance? If you all just want sinecures, a fiefdom and platforms for your egos, let us know now so we don’t waste more of our time. There is also a creeping tendency to delegate more and more personal work to “lower ranking members.” We should not be abusing anybody’s time. This will lead to resentment and burn out. It already is. We have all sacrificed a great deal for the ACP. We all deserve respect.
The ACP’s Baptism by Fire
Haz is impulsive. He makes decisions before he has read something or as he is reading it. Haz is indeed talented. His talents are his talents, but his weaknesses are his weaknesses. If we do not play to his strengths, we will bury this project in its infancy. Haz flies by the seat of his pants. He is not organized. How does this play out in real life?
On the second day of the Amazon DBK4 picket line, one of our ACP Autistic-Comrades-in-Chief awkwardly cornered a worker. This was no conversation. This was a monologue. The ACP rep had been practicing for hours in his head how to introduce the party to these noble workers. He had been debating for days if he should wear his red ACP hat and how he would physically fight the dsa if he had to. He had read so much Marx and Mao, watched so much Haz and now here he was. I watched on from a safe distance. Some minutes went by and I could see there was only one reason the worker was putting up with his incessant rhetoric. The worker was high as a kite. The disconnect was comedic. It reminded me of the Trotskyite groups that have been embarrassing themselves on picket lines my entire life.
Sectarian and obsessively online behaviors must be discouraged. They are anti-social and anti-worker.
We have many worker contacts that we met at the Queens picket line. I could grab a beer with a bunch of them. But why would I bring them around the ACP?
Our presence on the picket line was partially embarrassing. There were some good moments, but in general, we have no business critiquing the psl or the dsa if we ourselves cannot prove ourselves on the class barricades.
The EB fashions itself above the rank and file. The rank and file do not know how to reach the masses. I do not pretend to know everything you all know about profilicity in the social media age. I recognize the talents and potential, or I would not be here. I believe in every one of you but if we do not address these and other issues here in a Democratic Centralist way, we will combust long before we reach our one year anniversary. I wonder how many “ACP members“ at the national and local level are already silent on Telegram, or have already dismissed us because of our larping and weaknesses. Do you assume for a second that there are no people in our ranks, hostile or not, taking notes of all these tendencies?
What experience do our “leaders” have? They deserve all the credit they deserve. But this does not give them a free pass to destroy this party, which now belongs to all of us. This is not Infrared. This is not the autistic days of complaining like a little premadonna bitch all the time. We promised we would be professional. We are losing our way.
“Russian Agents”
It is worth noting that 3 of our EB members are in Russia when there are so many urgent matters to tend to here at home. Did the party take full advantage of the Teamsters Amazon strike? What lessons did we draw? An emerging leader with labor organizing experience here in NY and I published an article taking a closer look at the strike. I heard very little feedback from anybody in the ACP. Here at the chapter level, I wonder if anyone even read it. They are too busy chasing online drama and dopamine hits.
Konstantinos has demonstrated the most poise, approachability and humility with leadership. His experience shows. He is a leader who does not give off a vibe of superiority. I am however concerned the state could produce a Uhuru 3 type indictment of him and us. We are swimming in risky waters but a lot depends on Trump’s reshuffling of the billionaires’ state. But for a party still in its embryo, we are handing the state an entire case against us. Is this wise? I wrote an extensive article for Cover Action Magazine looking at the class character of the Russian Federation and its leadership. There’s nothing wrong working with them, but we should not be taking our political cues from them. This is not the Soviet Union.
What good are our accomplishments and accolades in Russia when we have neglected the home front? It feels like we are uniquely testing the reach of the state based on our desire for peace with Russia. If there is a return to Patriot Act like cases, would we be the first targeted? Hopefully the political contradictions will leave this space open for us but we have to lead with more caution, and less adventurism.
It is clear our priorities are outside of the U.S. and in cyberspace. If we are really going to work together, we have to trust each other.
“The Haiti Experts”
On November 1st, I was tricked into coming to a sit down with Dan Cohen and Kim Ives that culminated in a most unfortunate way. This was not dialectics. If you all are the life-long experts on Haiti, why didn’t you set up a meeting beforehand to convince me of this? You lied to get me into a meeting with 2 individuals I identified as liars and opportunists. Then when I pushed back, Kyle started screaming at me that “he is in the Executive Board and I have to do what he says.” It is all recorded and Haz promised on several occasions to share the video. I was shell shocked and disgusted to watch this double dealing play out. When I confronted Kyle about it later, he just blamed it all on Haz and his inability to organise.
Where is the communication? Where is the democratic centralism? For hours, leading up to the Nov. 1st meeting, I was on the phone with Kyle.
After much imploring from Eddie, Noah and Carlos over the summer, I attempted to work more closely with Kyle. He had already attempted to manipulate a misunderstanding in Dearborn over the Memorial Day weekend when we formed the Institute for a Free America. Kyle is a catastrophizer. Kyle makes mountains out of mole hills. He seeks to present situations as if he was indispensable to resolving them. This does not take away from the arduous work he has done. But he has a need to take hold of situations so he can exploit them and look like “the man.” His manipulation of a misunderstanding in Dearborn culminated in his contact, the E-girl Nickie, who he was promoting at the time, trying to dox me on stage at a meeting of the World Anti-Imperialist Platform in Washington D.C.

In the run up to the Haiti meeting, Kyle told me: “Christian and the other Colorado fa&&ots have no clue about Haiti. We have to listen to the expert who has been on the ground there.” He buttered me up. He tried to finish all my sentences, saying that he agreed with my conclusions about the class struggle in Haiti. He said the ACP was taking direction from me. As soon as Haz got on that zoom, Kyle did an about-face and did what he is best at, sucking up to Haz. After talking so much shit about the “fa&&ot opportunists Cohen and Ives,” within minutes, he was all smiles, sucking up to them. I learned a lot that day about the ACP.
In the lead up to the meeting, Haz promised me that no matter what we were going to be united because we are ACP comrades. He also told me “the masses in Haiti and everywhere were nothing, that they were a nonfactor.” He was all over the place. If the ACP is not about mass upheaval and mass empowerment, what is it about? Your wanna-be tankie warlordism is not a Marxist view. It is infantile, far-left adventurism. If that is what your Russian sponsors want, ok. But be honest about it! If you have no interest in organizing with the masses of Haiti, what is your motivation? Has the “Haiti expert” even read my 27 years of research on Haiti?
If you all wanted to meddle in Haiti through Russia, why didn’t you inform me? Autistic Tweedle Dee and Suck Up Tweedle Dumb just pointed the finger at one another. I am not going to jail or putting the party at risk because one of you is a narcissist and the other is an asskisser. (The author has publicly apologized for these statements here and should have been 100 percent clear when speaking on such sensitive matters.)
After they tried to humiliate me, Kyle told me I should be more invested in the ACP because I have so much to offer. Every critique I’ve brought to his attention, he says “Exactly. That’s why we need you to step up. I am trying to convince Haz and the others.” I doubt the sincerity of that.
In the course of those days, Carlos called me with a laundry list of complaints about my work. When I brought up Kyle’s manipulation, they made excuses for him because he had a “rough abusive childhood.”

My former close friend and ideological partner in crime, Carlos, who chose a paycheck and profilicity over Marxism. I look forward to seeing him grow through all of this. Inexperience is most forgivable.
Comrades: our trauma and mental health issues are no excuse to act like children. We have a responsibility to our comrades to get this right. Get help if you need. Do not waste our time and put us and the party at risk. We are here to support anybody who needs help.
Kyle has good organizing skills but he shows too much ego. Ego is not your amigo. I don’t respect liars. I don’t respect opportunists. I actually like the kid despite his need to control everything. If these egos are not kept in check, I don’t see this leadership taking us anywhere. Many of you are behaving like cowards! You will never attract real proletarian fighters at this rate.
After this reckless adventurism and duplicity, I was forced to submit a written affidavit of these events to my lawyers. And I still tried to build this party! Not because I believed in you all but because I had a commitment to dozens of solid Marxist Leninist comrades I met from across the U.S. and Canada.
For the New and Young Comrades:
None of us with these critiques which will all be aired tomorrow are coming from a sectarian place! Nobody should be talking about quitting or splitting. We need everyone to step up. The American people and humanity need the ACP! Some of you are brand new to the struggle. None of your work has been in vain. I have critiqued comrades here because it is necessary; it is not personal. I will work with anybody who is willing to fight against this decadent genocidal system! But do not expect me to trust you until you take responsibility for your dishonesty and manipulation. Imagine if our comrades across this country who look up to us knew the truth about our dysfunction? We cannot allow this to get to that level of demoralization.
We call ourselves a Marxist-Leninist Party and we aim to be the emerging army of the American working class.
As Mao said: “The popular masses are like water, and the army is like a fish. How then can it be said that when there is water, a fish will have difficulty in preserving its existence? An army which fails to maintain good discipline gets into opposition with the popular masses, and thus by its own action dries up the water.”
This means that the human material that comprises our ranks must be disciplined and they must be rooted within the masses. The very human material that comprises the majority of our party, and this goes up the chain of leadership itself, is composed of many people who are not rooted among the people whatsoever and have very little discipline.
Our active recruits are terminally online comrades who have not been properly vetted, have little to no organizing experience and are poorly socialized individuals in general. At the recent NY Holiday Party in Buffalo, a 20-year-old comrade and “chapter executive,” and another younger comrade blacked out drunk. If our comrades cannot even organize a mere party properly and maintain the most basic standards of discipline, how on earth can we expect ourselves to defeat the imperialist ruling class?
There needs to be a major transformation and reorganization of the ACP. We are at a sink or swim moment. Just because someone is a gifted writer, speaker or intellectual, does not make them a leader. We do not have the right people in the right place. The leadership selection process was expedited because we were launching something new with inexperienced Marxists. Do we need a chairman right now who is not even mentally stable? Somebody has to earn that position in the course of actual struggle. We should select a date in the next month to reconsider the appointees to the Executive Board and the Politburo.
Jackson is supremely talented as well. He is a down-to-earth guy despite being a global celebrity. I think it is important that the masses and party workers always see Jackson on the frontlines of community work and organizing as well. This will set an amazing example for them and hopefully inspire more Americans to fight back and join us.
Jackson leads with a lot of Culture War bs because he “has outsmarted the algorithms.” We cannot expect our existing membership base to be able to separate real world social practice from online profilicity and social media. The NY chapter is obsessed with online beef. Our “leaders” brag, “Fuck the Kurds,” “gay people are fascists” and “we will execute men who sleep with prostitutes.” But what practical work have they done? They spend days on Telegram imagining in their heads how to wage the revolution, but have no contact with the only social force who can make revolution. The new recruits in our midst are watching our cliquishness and sectarianism. It will all come out comrades. Much more will be revealed…
Where is the communication between the base and the leadership? How can the rank and file articulate their views and critiques from the ground? Through chapter execs like Spiros who have lied and manipulated their way through the past 5 months? Spiros convinced everyone here in NY that our chapter was “on probation.” When I confronted Spiros, he denied everything. The hammer is coming down. Who will replace him? In this state of 20,000,000, I see 6 capable proletarian comrades at this point. A few have a foot out the door and some of them are 8 hours away from NYC.
The Amazon strike was our best school of Leninism yet. It allowed us to develop an accurate evaluation of all 54 NY state recruits. With a state chapter of 54 on Telegram, 10 participated in the 5 days of heated class struggle. Half were unreachable.
Our comrades finally had their day under the sun. The basement wizards and attic gamers prefer the darkness. Here in the 15 degree cold, they were exposed to the elements. How could we ever claim to really get to know a person online? This was the perfect test for our branch. We failed. Point every finger you want to. This is the perfect refraction of who we are and who we are not. We can crack skulls of inconsequential mediocre chapter execs or we can address underlying issues. Let’s find the right balance. I have no right to be too hard on Infrared. There is a lot of good in what Haz and you all have built. But it is time for a higher calling, an ascension to the concrete.
ACP Paychecks?
Noah and Carlos called me on September 12th. They urged me to have very little to do with the NY chapter. They told me to distance myself from local organizing and educational efforts because according to them, “lower cadre were going to try to get close to me to use me for party favors.” It was a bizarre convo with 2 men I have not seen organize much of anything.
Carlos has a rare intellect. He is supremely talented. Carlos and Haz as a 1 2 combo with actual leadership could be huge. But we are not there yet.
Noah is a genuine communist and the nicest guy on earth. But from his bubble of niceness, he does not call out bullshit. Cowardice will forever plague him.

We have a rare opportunity before us but are bureaucracy and arrogance already taking root? Is anyone’s main focus on getting a paycheck? If anyone came to the ACP looking for a salary, get a real job like the rest of us. As we grow, we can figure out employing reliable staff.
“The NY Experts”
Kyle, Haz and Eddie are coming to NY. I don’t know when. I cannot get in touch with Eddie. Eddie has shown little interest in understanding events in NY. I left him a series of messages about the discord in the NY chapter at the height of the Amazon struggle. 12 days later he announced he was coming to NY publicly. He then responded to my texts and messages that his phone does not work so he could not correspond with me. I asked him if he could communicate on Telegram. He never responded.

I was excited to host Eddie, Noah and Carlos last winter here in NYC. I am curious now what the know-it-alls are even coming to do in NY. Kyle says they are coming to “castrate Spiros in front of everybody.” But who is going to castrate the arrogance and lack of professionalism that is giving birth to more and more Spiroses? You want to show up in cities and throw down a fist as if you had the magical solution for this very weak proletarian material bequeathed to us? The problem goes way beyond Spiros. Spiros is surrounded by a dozen or two dozen Spiroses. You all are the Chief Larpers responsible for all of this disarray! You spend all your time obsessing over Haz’s paranoid online fantasies.
After 5 months of observing this EB, I was forced to tell them to their faces that they are punks and corrupt usurpers. I along with others, some loyal, some antagonistic, are quietly observing the mess you have created. I have no interest in online squabbles on the enemy’s terrain. I was sold a fake bill of goods about the ACP. If we do not right this ship, these misunderstandings and disrespect will spill over into the online sphere, as they already have. I am a praying man. I have been a Marxist-Leninist for 31 years and have visited and learned from comrades in 86 different countries. I took a vow to follow your generation’s “leadership” for 1 year to give this a chance. We barely made it 5 months and this is imploding.
I want to fight. I have swallowed a lot of venom for the collective. This is not about me. This is about the ACP and the American people. Let’s duke this out in a principled way. Set up a Politburo meeting or retreat in Vermont, Chicago or on Zoom so we can all get on the same page (let’s see if we need this after tomorrow night). We have some real talent here and there is a definite void we can fill, ideologically and organizationally. I was told Haz was a man of honor and that the ACP was based on honor. Remember you all were not even elected. Show some respect and let’s get our shit together.
Friday January 3rd 5:00 PM
Internal Politburo Comuniqué #2 on “”HAZ”’s” Narcissism and the ACP Danny Shaw ACP Politburo
(I sent this to the EB and PB Telegram chat 2 hours before the infamous Friday meeting where John and I confronted them on their corrupt leadership. This was my follow up to the “On the Cultishness and Liberalism of the ACP Executive Board” statement the day before.)
Tonight, I would like to open with some questions for you “HAZ”:
- Did you even read my critiques?
- Do you take any responsibility or will you continue to deflect, deny and manipulate?
- Is it true you have launched some “internal investigation” after someone had the balls to tell you the truth to your face? How about investigating your own conduct “”HAZ”” that has caused a culture of manipulation and disaster?
- Why did I receive multiple phone calls from different parts of Russia complaining about your “erratic and unprofessional” behavior there?
- Are you insinuating that we are “federal agents?”
- Do you recognize that at this moment our party is a complete mess and needs to transform into a real Marxist-Leninist Party composed of disciplined tribunes of the people?
If you “HAZ” continue to respond the only way thus far you know how, my diagnosis will again be confirmed. You are a narcissist.
There could be Bipolar, Depression, ADHD or other diagnoses involved too. As a licensed Mental Health and Addiction specialist, this is what I have seen. I do not divulge this information in a liberal way comrades. This is the “Chairman” of our organization. Whatever he does, we have done. His failures are ours. He is the face of this party. Silence before his misleadership is cowardice and the worst form of Liberalism that Mao, a true Chairman, identified.
“HAZ” and Kyle’s lying, manipulation and denial is unacceptable unto itself. It goes without saying that we are all here to help the sick and suffering comrades. But if he insists upon trying to split the ACP, we should defend the unity of the ACP at all costs.
Christian: I hear you. I have been loyal to this mis-leadership but I had enough. A lot of what you say depends on the egomaniac “HAZ”, his control freak, boot-licking accomplice and his little bubble boy Midwestern Marx Milkmade enablers. I apologize to you and all the other comrades who are newer to Marxism-Leninism and party building. This has been a tremendous drain on our time and emotional resources. No one should be losing sleep because of others’ misleadership and mental health issues. That is what forced many of us to say Enough!
In terms of the structure of tonight’s meeting, if “HAZ” and Pettis continue to try to dominate and deflect, we will be wasting our time. Let 100 flowers bloom. Let every comrade speak their mind for 5-10 minutes without fear of some “internal investigation.” One of the most un-involved comrade should chair tonight i.e. Greyson, Slava, Jordan, Brigid etc.
For comrades who have written me and insisted upon a response: Breathe. Reflect. Some of what you ask depends on tonight. Will you conduct yourself like a man and a communist? Or will you behave like a coward?
In terms of Pettis‘s New York trip, if he is coming here to “castrate Spiros in front of everybody” as he brags, he’s gonna have to go through me. Let’s see who gets “castrated.” A man will come. Eddie will come. NO WEASELS anywhere close to NY! Pettis always tries to say how much he has tried to change “HAZ”. You — the Humiliater-in-Chief — have failed!
But Pettis’ failures are never his. He always blames “HAZ”, Carlos, Eddie, Noah or someone else. The Chief Larper, Braggart and Excuse Maker has proven he has none of the humility required for leadership. When the brat Pettis does not get his way, he screams “I AM IN THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. YOU WILL DO AS I SAY! I OUTRANK YOU! YOU ARE NO ONE!”

2 sadistic sick puppies think they are my bosses? You think I signed up for this? I signed up to mentor aspiring communists in the mold of William Foster, Claudia Jones and Henry Winston. All of the ego is foreign to me.
Some of you hypocrites questioned my use of certain language. Did the Midwestern tone-police and language-KGB question how professional the language was when your mentors called everybody ”fa&&ots?” Where were your criticisms then? What’s the definition of hypocrisy? Do I trust any of you? “Executive Eddie,” “Executive Carlos” and “Executive Noah:” who have you become?
I feel let down by many of you. Let’s keep fighting so I don’t ever have to hear that the MMI is just the Midwestern Internet Institute and the acp is the Autistic Cosplay Party. Time will tell…
Comrades: If you think there is no ACP beyond “HAZ”’s chairmanship, you’re wrong. Follow Marxism Leninism, not some fallible man. It’s our duty as revolutionaries to be completely honest about our achievements and our failures. Either we continue to larp or we humble ourselves and dig deep into the struggles of everyday, hard-working people, who live in the real world NOT on the internet. Let’s cut all the bullshit and emerge from this 100x stronger and more unified comrades!