Books by Danny Shaw

Inspired by people in struggle across the Americas and the world, Danny Shaw’s books expose and confront bullying and imperialism in all of their myriad forms.

The Saints of Santo Domingo: Dominican Resistance in the Age of Neocolonialism

The Saints of Santo Domingo: Dominican Resistance in the Age of Neocolonialism tells the story of a generation of Dominican warriors, who surrendered their energies, and often their lives, in the struggle against devastating poverty, glaring social inequality and state violence. Danny Shaw, a professor of Latin American and Caribbean studies at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and Eugenio María de Hostos College, recounts the lives of the persecuted leaders of the clandestine FALPO and MPD. Danny Shaw — an internationalist and anti-imperialist leader in the United States — has lived alongside and organized with social movements in the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Central America, Brazil and Western Africa. Guided by a profound sense of loss and duty, Shaw seeks to rescue from oblivion the example of Chu, Furi, Claridad, Mira Cielo and other larger than life Dominican fighters, assassinated by the neocolonial Dominican state. Among the other themes explored in his timely book are Haitian-Dominican unity, forced migration and the everyday survival of the exiled Dominican community in New York City. The Saints of Santo Domingo is a must read for any student of Dominican history trying to bridge the gap between the murderous regimes of Trujillo and Balaguer and the present day repression of the popular, anti-imperialist movement.

365 Days of Resistance: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

365 Days of Resistance: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants is an anthology of fire and rebellion which brings together 365 of Danny Shaw’s tributes to the revolutionaries who came before us. Each entry corresponds with the date in which a heroine, leader, warrioress, martyr or ancestor fell on the battlefields of history. Written as a critique of what Shaw calls “the mis-educational system,” 365 Days stands as a poignant antidote to “The Great Forgetting” that afflicts our generation. Written over the course of the last twenty-two years, 365 Days guides the reader through centuries and continents of history. Here within stand the examples of Maurice Bishop, Claudia Jones, Rosa Luxemburg, John Brown, Commander Josiah Magama Tongogara, The Trung Sisters, Assata, Che, Lenin, Malcolm and hundreds of others. Among the leaders highlighted are popular outlaws, political prisoners, banned women, depatriated and citizenless leaders, non-conformist artists, visionary poets, anti-colonial generals, underground urban guerillas, transwarriors and guillotined theorists. 365 Days of Resistance is a crucial read for teachers critical of whitewashed, standardized curricula and students of rebellions past. Here within you will discover the sublime vision of our ancestors, who stood up to exploitation in every epoch of human history.

Shedding that which is Not Us: A Working-Class Guide to Life Foods Training and Healing

How’s the tummy looking? How’s the blood flowing? Is the largest organ in the body, the skin, radiant? Is your energy bursting out and inspiring others? Are you flying out of bed in the morning? How is your reproductive health and menstrual cycle? Are you bushy-tailed, radiating out good energy or always wondering why you feel lethargic? Are the evacuations light, fluffy and smooth? Is your smile infectious? Can you tap deeper into your life sensuality? How’s your flexibility? This is all proof of how you are treating and training your body. Discover Life Foods Recipes. Eat direct from the earth and feel your body transform into the way it was designed to feel—full of energy and purpose

My Son Blazes within Me: So Many Contradictions, So Little Time

My Son Blazes within Me: So Many Contradictions, So Little Time is a book of Danny Shaw's poetry and prose inspired by his son Ernesto. This free verse anthology delves deep into the themes of family, father-son relationships, spirituality, indigenous resistance, fatherlessness, historical and generational trauma and addiction, among others. At the heart of every verse is the question of how to raise our children to combat the absurdity and injustice that characterizes the world we live in.

Paisajes de Amor y Combate (Spanish Edition)

Paisajes de Amor y Combate es una antología de poesía que explora temas de amor, indigenismo, historia, solidaridad y espiritualidad.

Los santos de Santo Domingo: Resistencia dominicana en la época del neocolonialismo (Spanish Edition)

El profesor estadounidense y corresponsal de TeleSUR y RT escribe sobre hombres y mujeres a quienes las páginas de la historia en República Dominicana han dedicado poco o ningún espacio, personajes marginados e invisibilizados. A quienes el profesor define como “Los santos de Santo Domingo” fueron personas cuyos pecados capitales son levantarse contra las injusticias que se vivían en esta isla o asumir una ideología contraria a la de los regímenes que nos han gobernado. Entre sus delitos más trascendentales destacan haber sido dirigentes del Movimiento Popular Dominicano (MPD) o del Frente Amplio de Lucha Popular (Falpo). Muchos de ellos asesinados, encarcelados o condenados al destierro. -Ángel García

This Is Genocide!: Forty-eight Poems for Gaza

Danny Shaw's This is Genocide! Forty-eight poems for Gaza is a cry of indignation against the extermination campaign the world is watching play out in what is left of Palestine. The poet asks why are we — the underdog, the oppressed, the occupied, the colonized, the Global Palestinian Family and the vast global majority — on the defensive when recent history and the truth is clearly anti-Zionist? The poetry book begins with an extensive introduction "Palestine vs. The Capitalist World" which uses the Marxist method to evaluate the powerful forces which have contracted since 1948 in an attempt to exterminate the indigenous Arab nation. Part II., "October 7th The Children of the Craters," is an epic poem composed of forty-eight stanzas which offers a different historical and spiritual view of what happened on that Saturday and what it means for humanity. The forty-eight poems that follow are kryptonite to the Zionist and capitalist apologists for this ongoing genocide. Shaw takes on the liberals and conservatives and their main pundits for their hypocrisy and silence over the past four months as the children of Palestine are disappeared by the thousands. The final section is a syllabus which the professor and the Midwestern Marx Institute have used to teach the anti-colonial history of Palestine since October 7th.